Orff Kodaly for Kindergarteners (Mondays): 5 years old by Dec 31, 2024 – 1hr


In this fun & dynamic class your child will learn and build upon their previous knowledge of a variety of musical concepts such as pitch, rhythm, tempo, dynamics, and beat.

These concepts are explored through singing, games, stories, creative dramatization & movement, and playing non-pitched percussion instruments. Your child will have the opportunity to learn a variety of traditional and contemporary songs from around the world.

In the Kindergarten level, children learn more complex rhythm syllables, solfege, and accompaniments on non-pitched and pitched percussion instruments, including xylophones.

Each week, you will receive a song sheet with a new song and relevant musical concepts.

Children must be 5 years old by Dec 31, 2024.

2024 Fall Term Classes

Mondays 4:30pm – 5:30pm, Sep 9th – Dec 16th (no class Sep 30th, Oct 14th or Nov 11th) 2024 with Justin at St. Catherine’s Church (Edgemont Village)***CLASS CANCELLED***

$240.00/12 classes.

Registration is on-going. Fees will be prorated accordingly after start of term.

If the class you desire is fully registered, please email us at [email protected] to be placed on the wait list. Thank you 🙂


Drum Circle - Justin's 6 year old class

In this class your child will:

  •  Learn to recognize, read, and draw rhythmic values such as the quarter note, eighth note (pair and single), quarter rest, half note, sixteenth notes, and dotted quarter note.
  •  Recognize the difference between simple and compound meter.
  • Learn a variety of traditional and contemporary songs from various places around the world.
  • Play more complex accompaniments on non-pitched percussion instruments and xylophone
  • Improvise and play simple melodies on the xylophone
  • Learn circle and partner dances
  • Recognize simple solfege patterns
  • Sing the diatonic scale using solfege with hand signs
  • Echo 4 beat rhythm patterns and create their own.
  • Have a lot of fun playing musical games

Additional information

Class Choice

Mondays 4:30pm – 5:30pm, Sep 9th – Dec 16th (no class Sep 30th, Oct 14th or Nov 11th) 2024 with Justin at St. Catherine's Church (Edgemont Village)